Developed in collaboration with The Society of Reproductive Surgeons, promoting excellence in gynecologic and urologic reproductive surgery
Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions, illustrations and videos
Written by leading experts in operative gynecology and urology, providing ‘tricks of the trade’, for practitioners of all levels
Edited by SRS members, Drs. Jeffrey M. Goldberg, Ceana H. Nezhat and Jay Sandlow, the manual features step-by-step instructions illustrated with intra-operative photographs and surgical videos designed to increase physician confidence while providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the indications, techniques, and outcomes of modern reproductive surgery in order to offer patients surgical options and avoid, or improve, IVF.
Reproductive Surgery: The Society of Reproductive Surgeons’ Manual is available from the publisher, Cambridge University Press. SRS members will receive a 35% discount on the purchase price. CLICK HERE TO ORDER ONLINE!
The manual’s companion videos are available on the SRS website here.